22 травня 2020

13 group (22.05-29.05)

You have done all tests, so it's time just to practice your vocabulary and grammar. Follow the link and enjoy! You needn't send me answers, it's only for you.

41 GROUP (22.05-29.05)

You have done all tests, so it's time to prepare to your ZNO task. I advice you to practice ZNO tasks of previous years. You needn't send me the answers, it's only for you. Good luck!

32-33 groups (21.05)

Second Term Writing

It's time to write the last test - Writing. So, do Writing test and send me:

23 group (21.05 - 29.05)

You have finished the themes of the 9th form, so it's time to improve vocabulary and grammar: 
You needn't send me answers, it's only for you.

18 травня 2020

23 group (20.05.20)

Term II Writing

Do Writing test https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-6CIvCzTvJENxLOfLF6E4j1e-jc0DHOp and send me at valzinslav@gmail.com                                         Attention!!!
I am still waiting Test 6 from Suhostavsky, Ustinova
                              Test 7 from Bagnuk, Vashchenko, Velychko, Glushchenko, Dushko, Zub, Lukiashko, Myhailenko, Syvka, Ustinova, Tsvetkova, Cherevko, Uvchenko
                               Listening (13.05)
                               Reading (14.05)
До п'ятниці виставляю оцінки, тож не баріться. Термін - до п'ятниці!!!

32-33 groups (19.05.20)

Term II Reading

Do Second Term Reading and send me: 
I am still waiting Test 6, Test 7, Test 8 and Listening!!! 
This week I am putting grades at the class-book. Hurry up!!!

21 group (19.05-29.05)

You have finished the topics of the 9th form, so it's time to revise and practice vocabulary and grammar. I advise you to do such on-line exercises:
https://www.english-4u.de/index.htm You needn't send me answers, it's only for you. 
Attention!!! I am still waiting:
Test 6: Kozak
Test 7: Verholiotova, Dorofeeva, Kozak, Lutchenko
Test 8: Begun, Verholiotova, Kozak, Leshchenko, Matsuk, Prohorova
Hurry up!!!

13 group (19.05.20)

Do Second Term Writing https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aYoPUvxbQe_rJuzHdmWypCyaS9vRc_BC and send me at valzinslav@gmail.com 
Увага!!! Я все ще чекаю боржників:
Тест 6: Дивень, Кульша, Максименко Р., Смокталь, Чоботар М.
Тест 7: Дивень, Кульша, Максименко Р., Смокталь, Чоботар М., Демиденко, Мельниченко, Розворович, Федоров, Чоботар Р., Шкарупа, Якубець.
Не забудьте про контроль аудіювання (від 12.05) і читання (від 15.05)
Час спливає!

41 group (18.05.20)

Second Term Writing

Attention!!!! I am still waiting Listening and Reading from Voloh, Kres, Kuchma, Makarchuk, Melikian, Mulach, Chaplieva, Chepurniak, Shpeko. Hurry up!

10 травня 2020

13 group (15.05.20)

Term II Reading

Do Reading Test and send me at valzinslav@gmail.com


21 group (15.05.20)

Second Term Writing


32-33 GROUPS (14.05.20)

Second Term Listening

You have finished Term II, so it's time for Term Listening.
Do the test and send me at valzinslav@gmail.com

Tasks for listening here: 
Texts for listening here: 

21 group (14.05.20)

Second Term Reading

Do Reading Test and send me. 

31 GROUP (14.05-29.05)

Revision Vocabulary and grammar

During this period you have excellent time to practice ZNO tests. So, I advise you to do on-line ZNO tests: 
I am still waiting your previous work!

23 group (14.05.20)

Second Term Reading

Do Reading Test: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mBJUECeOY5IqVzL4KGlQHiTAEHXEZcSL and send me answers at valzinslav@gmail.com

23 group (13.05.20)

Second Term Listening

For listening you will here three dialogues (for both variants) but you will have different tasks to them. So, listen to three dialogues but do the task of your variant.
Pupils of Variant 1: Vashchenko, Velychko, Dushko, Zub, Myshko, Syvka, Suhostavsky, Ustinova, Chobotar, Cherevko.
Pupils of Variant 2: Bagnuk, Glushchenko, Golovashchenko, Leshchenko, Lukiashko, Mykhailenko, Nedilia, Turchyn, Tsvetkova, Uvchenko.

31 GROUP (13.05.20)

Revision lexical and grammar

You have finished term II, so it's time to improve your vocabulary and grammar. I advise you to practice next tasks: https://zno.osvita.ua/english/?fbclid=IwAR1DTROWuLWesWzwx_rwV_7m1LrQWfQ-Z5odcTKDbXnIGhdeGidFBK0655s
I am still waiting:
test 6 from Kopanko and Obodovska;
test 7 from Duhno, Obodovska, Pastushenko, Uhnovets;
test 8 from Antypova, Duka, Duhno, Zaharenko, Kachan, Kopanko, Nagula, Obodovska, Pyleko, Rosla, Uhnovets. Hurry up, please.

21 group (13.05.20)

Second Term Listening

For listening you will here three dialogues (for both variants) but you will have different tasks to them. So, listen to three dialogues but do the task of your variant. 
Pupils of Variant 1: Begun, Verkholiotova, Vyshnevetska, Grysiuk, Evtushenko, Kozak, Leshchenko, Matsuk, Sirash, Tomylko, Shumkov.
Pupils of Variant 2: Buharina, Garnaga, Dimitrova, Dorofeeva, Krul, Lutchenko, Morozova, Prohorova, Samoilenko, Tarasova, Shkolna.

09 травня 2020

33 group (12.05.20)

Unit 8 Test 8 "Sport"


32 group (12.05.20)

Unit 8 Test 8 "Sport"


13 group (12.05.20)

Second Term Listening

For Second Term Listening do next tasks:

Write answers into your workbooks. Everybody should send me photos at valzinslav@gmail.com


21 group (12.05.20)

Unit 8 Test 8 "Lifestyle"

Write the test into your workbooks and send me: 
Write answers into your workbooks and send me.


31 group (12.05.20)

Second Term Writing

For Second Term Writing do next tasks: 
Write answers into your workbooks and send me.


05 травня 2020

41 group (08.05.20)

The Second Term. Listening.

Listen to type recordings and do tasks for them. Write answers into your workbooks and everybody should send me at valzinslav@gmail.com
Type Recordings: 


13 GROUP (08.05.20)

Unit 8 "Mass media in our life"

1. Practise grammar skills doing ex. 5, p. 267; ex. 1-2, p. 268.
2. Improve your vocabulary doing ex. 3, p. 268; ex. 3-4, p. 272-274.
3. Write exercises into your workbooks. Demydenko, Melnychenko, Yakubets should send me photos at valzinslav@gmail.com

31 group (08.05.20)

Term Reading

Write tasks into your workbooks and send me photos.


21 group (08.05.20)

Unit 8 "Round up"

Improve your vocabulary and grammar doing exercises A-F: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KZmXEL4GRtRdNJmhLV94Mx3CZFFRku1k
Write exercises into your workbooks. You needn't send me photos.

32-33 GROUPS (07.05.20)

Unit 8 "Sport in Ukraine"

1. Improve your vocabulary and grammar doing ex. 1, 2, 4, p. 216-217; ex. 1, 4, p. 221.
2. Improve your listening skills doing ex. 3, p. 221.
3. Write exercises into your workbooks. Rozvorovych, Nechay, Golik, Grab, Shynkarenko should send me photos.

23 group (07.05.20)

Unit 7  Test 7 "Mass Media - Pros and Cons"

We have finished learning Unit 7, so it's time to write a test.
Write Test 7 into your workbooks and send me photos. 


21 group (07.05.20)

Unit 8 "Round up"

Revise vocabulary and grammar doing exercises A-D from your WB: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EJQWF0kxwVTisn4PIFAOTtwu8SMXKqQ4
Write exercises into your workbooks. You needn't send me photos.

31 group (07.05.20)

Term Listening

We have finished Term 2, so it's time for Term Tests. The first one - Listening. Listen to the tape recordings and do the tests for them.
Write answers into your workbooks and send me.


23 GROUP (06.05.20)

Unit 7 Lesson 69 "Which is the best Medium?"

1. Learn new phrasal verbs doing ex. 1, p. 253.
2. Learn new words doing ex. 2, p. 254.
3. Improve your reading skills doing ex. 3, 5, 6, p. 254-258.
4. Write exercises into your workbooks. Turchyn, Bagnuk, Syvka should send me at valzinslav@gmail.com

31 group (06.05.20)

Unit 8. Test 8 "On the Go"

Write Test 8 into your workbooks: https://drive.google.com/open?id=173npYaa6Xes3cElT2q25EP3t1kl_I-4M and send me photos. Texts for listening here:  

21 group (06.05.20)

Unit 8 "Round up"

Revise grammar and vocabulary doing exercises A-E from your WB: https://drive.google.com/open?id=14EG7UARDotmtHNqvnVosOtbojWU0DY1Z
Write exercises into your workbooks, you needn't send me photos.

04 травня 2020

32-33 groups (05.05.20)

Unit 8 "Sport in the USA"

1. Improve your listening skills doing ex. 5, p. 207 from SB and ex. 1 from WB: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ISzgeQ1jLH_mMAUZh_fcjJTYrT3k8vMj
2. Learn new words on p. 210 and do ex. 7, p. 208 from SB.
3. Revise Future Tenses doing ex. 3-5, p. 204-205, ex. 4, p. 211 from SB.
3. Write exercises into your workbooks. Gapon, Mahovyk, Nesterenko, Trofymenko, Rozvorovych, Kravets, Lavryk, Sadovy, Sozinov, Fesun should send me photos.

21 group (05.05.20)

Unit 8 "Round up"

1. Improve listening skills doing exercise from SB: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hA7GThF6F2wvOrVt4AhHuE5iQgYiuRm8
3. Improve your grammar skills doing ex. A-C: https://drive.google.com/open?id=15UnjUgI56YUkG9MgK8gpyqfv_JVbVN_9
4. Write exercises into your workbooks. Kozak, Verholiotova and Dorofeeva should send me photos.

13 group (05.05.20)

Unit VIII "Newspapers in the UK"

1. Learn new words on p. 252 and on p. 254 (виділені жирним шрифтом).
2. Practise vocabulary doing ex. 2, p. 255, ex. 5-6, p. 256.
3. Improve grammar skills doing ex. 4, p. 253, ex. 2, p. 266, ex. 4, p. 267.
4. Write exercises into your workbooks. Dyven, Kulsha, Maksymenko R., Chobotar M. should send me photos at valzinslav@gmail.com

31 group (05.05.20)

Unit 8 "Revision"

1. Improve grammar skills doing ex. A-C from SB: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rAeWhzxOkds41TG73IsVb_eA6DZhHpCE
2. Improve listening skills doing ex. from SB. File for listening here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nN9k4-ubk_aUBjvbnqcRDhxQOe3K2Yoc
3. Write exercises into your workbooks. Duhno, Obodovska and Uhnovets should send me photos.

41 group (04.05.20)

Unit 6 "Revision. Conditional Clauses. Inversion"

1. Read Grammar bank about Conditional Clauses on p. 167 and do ex. 8-9, p. 167.
2. Read Grammar bank about Inversion on p. 177 and do ex. 11-12, p. 177
3. Write exercises into your workbooks. Shpeko A. should send me photos.

31 group (04.05.20)

Unit 8 "Round-up"

Texts for listening here: 
2. Practise vocabulary doing ex. from WB: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_4xacKFNI3jiproCTioLh40gFMEfjMv1
3. Write exercises into your workbooks but you needn't send me photos.